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Freddie Armando Romero Paredes Plans

Freddie Armando Romero Plans Leer más publicaciones en Calaméo

sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2020

Chichen Itza, witness of ancient America

By Freddie Armando Romero Paredes. Mexico has one of the most beautiful architectural jewels in Pre-Hispanic America. Chichen Itza is one of the nine seven wonders of the modern world. Chichen Itza is valuable because it represents the legacy, the footprint, the work and the mastery of the ancient Mexicans when building a culture of enormous magnitudes. The world owes much to Chichen Itza and it is thanks to Chichen Itza that it has become aware of what it was in the past to act better in current times. Chichen Itza means tourism for Mexico and America. Chichen Itza is part of the idiosyncrasy and identity of Mexico. We would not conceive of Mexico without Chichen Itza. We would not conceive of America without Chichen Itza. We would not conceive of Planet Earth without Chichen Itza. In Chichen Itza the footprint of man and his passage through Mexican lands are reflected. Chichen Itza is humanity made art. Chichen Itza is humanity made culture. Chichen Itza is part of the growth, evolution and development of the human species.

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