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Freddie Armando Romero Paredes Plans

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sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020

Agents of change for today's climate agenda

By Freddie Armando Romero Paredes. The Earth has evolved in great proportions changing its geophysical aspect and at the same time changing life and the way of coexistence and interrelation of millions of people and living beings around the planet. Faced with this remarkable change, human beings assume more important roles and commitments necessary to take their place in the new world order for the millennium.

The Earth needs us. You cannot live in the middle of toxic waste, polluting material, fossil fuels, energies that increase the negative impact on people's lives. The world needs clean energy, biodegradable material, reusable objects and to contribute to recycling. Only then will we have a better place for our children and our children's peers. If we don't do it now, tomorrow may be too late. And searching for a habitable planet is not easy, nor is it done overnight. And if we have a new habitable planet, it would take time and money to adapt it to the needs and interests of the human species.