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Freddie Armando Romero Paredes Plans

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viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

May 2020 Tourism Guide ´s English Exam

By Freddie Armando Romero Paredes. I went to Argentina in 2012. I visited Salta, Tucuman, Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe, Rosario, Buenos Aires, La Plata, Lezama. I visited many interesting places. When I went to Argentina, I was alone. But in Argentina I found my grandfather. My grandfather and I were together many hours and many days. I knew Corrientes Avenue, Pueyredon Avenue, etc. I knew the amazing neighborhood of Villa Urquiza. I knew The Incas Park Chas Parade. I ate many free cups of somole. I ate many free pieces of cake. I ate many free pieces of bread. I ate many free Argentinean fruits. I traveled free many times in the Buenos Aires ´s subway. I lived many days with my cousin named Juan Carlos Ramos and his seven sons and her daughter. I passed many nights far from home. I wanted a better future. I wanted my own communications studies. I wanted a career to my life. But I didn´t have documents. Because I was a illegal person in Argentina. I was tired because I walked many days and many nights with out rest. I was nervous because a terrorific family followed illegally all South America. I felt panic. I felt cold when I slept many nights at the street. One night I slept in the casher. I had scary moments many times. I had to fight to save my life. It was about my life. I never gave up. I was wander all the time all the city. It was worth the waiting. I never forgot the trip of my life. I had much courage. The travel was incredible. I only can say: “I lived to tell it”.

Museos en 4K con Freddie Armando Romero Paredes